
Peak Options Crypto is a purpose-built investment platform designed to help—from ideation through scale—the teams building a more open, community-driven, and decentralized internet.

About Peak Options Crypto

Our team supports crypto/web3 builders from seed through growth with a highly technical and collaborative approach. Growing out of Peak Options Ventures, which has actively invested in the crypto space through both protocols and companies since 2015, we are a dedicated team of hackers, tinkerers, and builders, powered by a deeply technical, collaborative approach from the earliest stages. At Peak Options Crypto, we believe we are at the precipice of a monumental technology shift towards open, community-driven, and decentralized services—a seismic shift will be one of the most important technological developments since the advent of the web.

Our Advantages

Three key areas of expertise help us support the teams building the new pillars of the internet—from ideation through scale.

Jane Bond: Scaling the Ladder

Technical and economic research

We support teams with a hands-on, deeply technical approach from ideation through mature protocol operations.

Global vs. International:  What’s the Difference?

Governance design and participation

Crypto protocols require a dedicated level of active participation on topics related to code contribution, risk parameter adjustment, DAO organization, and management. We participate actively in these ecosystems.

The Fed and How It Got That Way

Participation across stages

Given the early liquidity dynamics of crypto protocols and limited capital intensity, protocol teams require investors that can participate across the liquidity spectrum, supporting teams in both private and public markets. We have the flexibility to participate across capital stages and even leverage protocols with our own capital.

Do Our Biases Affect Our Financial Choices?

Even the most seasoned investors have biases affecting their financial choices.

The Utility of Sector Investing

Successful sector investing is dependent upon an accurate analysis about when to rotate in and out.

Inflation & Your Money

It's important to understand how inflation is reported and how it can affect investments.

Your Shifting Risk Tolerance

Time and market performance may subtly and slowly imbalance your portfolio.

A Decision Not Made Is Still a Decision

Investors who put off important investment decisions may face potential consequence to their future financial security.

Types of Stock Market Analysis

Most stock market analysis falls into three broad groups: Fundamental, technical, and sentimental. Here’s a look at each.

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What Is the Dividend Yield?

This calculator helps determine your pre-tax and after-tax dividend yield on a particular stock.

Taxable vs. Tax-Deferred Savings

Use this calculator to compare the future value of investments with different tax consequences.

How Compound Interest Works

Use this calculator to better see the potential impact of compound interest on an asset.

Contributing to an IRA?

Determine if you are eligible to contribute to a traditional or Roth IRA.

Impact of Taxes and Inflation

Estimate the potential impact taxes and inflation can have on the purchasing power of an investment.

What Is My Risk Tolerance?

This questionnaire will help determine your tolerance for investment risk.

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The Fed and How It Got That Way

Here is a quick history of the Federal Reserve and an overview of what it does.

Are Alternative Investments Right for You?

With alternative investments, it’s critical to sort through the complexity.

Finding the Balance

The sandwich generation faces unique challenges. For many, meeting needs is a matter of finding a balance.

Jane Bond: Scaling the Ladder

Agent Jane Bond is on the case, uncovering the mystery of bond laddering.

Global and International Funds

Investors seeking world investments can choose between global and international funds. What's the difference?

Should I Invest in Gold?

Learning more about gold and its history may help you decide whether it has a place in your portfolio.

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