
In the financial service industry, it is typical for firms to have a narrow focus. That means isolating one problem and creating a client/advisor relationship that is transactional by nature and focused on selling financial products - not financial plans.

Our goal is to do things differently.

Finance is not one-size-fits-all, so no financial plan should be, either. Goal-based planning measures the progress of an investor’s portfolio against specific life goals, situations, and desired success. At Peak-Options Private Wealth management, we use a goal-based financial planning system to make sure all aspects of your assets are accounted for.

Our six-star financial service will ensure that you receive a plan that is fully coordinated to your past, present, and future financial standing. We will even partner with your estate and tax advisors when allocating your investment asset types (equities, fixed income, etc.) or the entities they are held in (trust, LLCs. etc) to create a financial plan that is completely optimized.

Life has a lot to offer. That is why we double down on the details for you, your family, and even future generations - many of which other firms will overlook. We offer investment education, wealth planning, charitable giving, and family governance - even going so far as to help your family improve their communication skills, make effective decisions, and rely on one another. No matter where you are in life, it’s always a good time to begin effectively managing your wealth so that you and your loved ones can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with full-service financial planning.

Pre- and post-sale liquidity event
management – business sale, IPO,
and dividend recapitalization

Investment management, asset
allocation, and alternative

Tailored lending – secured and

Family Office investment solutions

Concentrated stock risk management
– monetization and hedging

Wealth planning, preservation and

2nd Opinion Service

In this challenging economy, you probably know a friend, family member or colleague who may be in a complex situation or just unhappy with the advice from his or her financial advisor—it’s not uncommon. We believe that many high-net-worth investors would value a second opinion on their finances.

Second Opinion

High Net Worth Financial Advisors

High Net Worth Financial Advisors

As a person with considerable wealth, you have complex needs that include protecting your assets and growing your investments. Financial management for high net worth individuals includes customized solutions for your needs and financial goals.

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Estate Planning

Estate Planning

If you have real estate, investment savings, or any other assets in your name, you should have an estate plan. Estate planning allows you to plan how your assets will be distributed among your beneficiaries.

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Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Businesses and other organizations that have structured leadership hierarchies are at their most vulnerable when leadership must change hands. In most cases, there are no dangers facing the company or organization, and the leadership changes without incident.

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For more information about our firm and the services we offer, send us a quick email or call the office. We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you. |  786-548-2497